Monday 22 September 2014

Your Inner Being

Your inner being always knows.

It knows when something isn't right. It knows when a change needs to be made. It knows when you are longing for more, and it knows that you deserve more.

It knows your deepest wishes and it knows you can have them if you are willing to receive them.

Your inner being can always be trusted because it is certain. You can feel it. It feels like knowing. It feels unwavering. If feels stable and secure.

The only time it wavers is when you doubt the feeling; when you doubt that knowing.

"Inner silence promotes clarity of mind. It makes us value the inner world; It trains us to go inside to the source of peace and inspiration when we are faced with problems and challenges."
~ Deepak Chopra

Get in touch with your inner being by getting quiet. Meditate. Get rid of the excess noise and chit-chat in your mind, and get to the place where you can ignore ego.
If you aren't quiet within, if you cannot find peace, you are still in a place of ego.  You want to go to that place where peace, love and knowingness reside. That is the place of your inner being.

Listen to the deep inner awareness of yourself, Beautiful Souls. That is where the good stuff is.


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