Saturday, 12 November 2016

This is Self-love

To attract a relationship that is lovingtrustworthyrespectful, and supportive, make sure to develop these things within yourself first.
Love yourself
Trust yourself
Be supportive of who you are. 
This is selflove

Watch for the upcoming Self-love workbook that will help you to delve deep in the heart centre, finding the love within yourself. 


Thursday, 27 October 2016

The Storm

Photo by Tamara Hanson

Hello Soul Lovers!

Sometimes, storm clouds roll in and we are standing in a large open field feeling exposed and uncertain of where to take shelter.

During those times when you aren't sure which way to turn and uneasiness has settled in, love yourself through it all.

It's easy to love ourselves when things are going well, but loving ourselves during the challenging times is when we need it the most. 

Become your own best friend by giving yourself the care and love that you need to see it through.  Don't beat yourself up. Just own your feelings and be honest with yourself about what you need. 

Fb: soulloveawakening

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Searching for Love in All the Wrong Places

Photo by Tamara Hanson

Hello Soul Lovers! 

“The enemy of love is never outside, it’s not a man or a woman, it’s what we lack in ourselves.” ~ Anais Nin

When we go searching for love,  we are looking for something outside of ourselves.  We are looking for that thing to complete us, to make us whole.  We believe that the void will be filled by a person, place or thing.

Continuing to think this way will have us searching forever. The only way to fill the void is with the love you give to yourself.

Watch for more information on becoming a Soul Love Warrior...coming soon!

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Don't Confuse Comfort with Love

Sometimes, we become so enamoured with wanting to have someone in our lives that it often leads us away from the real reason behind wanting a relationship. 

In some cases, the love is so intense and so real that we can't put it into a context that we can understand because we haven't felt that kind of love before. So, we run away from it, not believing something can be that real and lovely.

Someone gave me an analogy of why someone would run away from a deep love and choose comfort: He said that it's like collecting stamps and you put those stamps in one book and you only use that one book. Suddenly, someone comes along and gives you another book and you don't know what to do with it. You can't understand it because you've only used that one book. 

In the context of love, we can become accustomed to that one type of love, and that's all we've been able to understand. It's comfortable and safe. There's nothing that needs to be understood because it can be put into a context that makes sense. It can be put into that one familiar book.

Then, a different love comes along. This love is a much deeper love where the feelings are stronger--more than what you have felt before. You have nothing to relate it to because you haven't felt like this before. It's new territory.  

Instead of taking a leap to experience something that you know is deeper, you retreat back to the old book or the old type of love. It's not new nor different, but at least you can put it into a context you understand, and you feel safe. When I say 'safe', I don't mean the kind where you'll be protected, but in the way of 'if I don't take a chance then I won't fail.'

We see this all of the time where couples aren't really happy, but they stay because it's comfortable. You stick with it because the alternative would mean stepping outside of your comfort zone for something deeper, something more loving than you have ever felt before.  

This is the death of a well-lived life--choosing mediocre over extraordinary. This is the difference between love and comfort. (Don't confuse this with instant infatuation, because that's a completely different thing and a completely different blog topic.)

This isn't to say that people shouldn't work at a relationship and should give up as soon as it becomes less than satisfactory. What this is about is knowing when there's no chemistry and no attraction in a relationship, and choosing safety and comfort over deep love.

I love this quote by Keay Nigel in her article 'The Difference Between Needing, Wanting, and Loving Somebody': "This is not love that you are feeling. It's nostalgia."

The fact is, when a deeper love comes along, and you question it's validity, just remember that you had asked for it at a vibrational level. You had asked the universe to bring you something deeper, more profound, and something that you have never felt before. And, therefore, you received it. Resisting it means you are declining a true manifestation of your desire. Resisting means you are sabotaging yourself.

“A life lived in fear... is a life half-lived.” ― Baz Luhrmann