Monday, 1 December 2014

Don't Shoot the Messenger: Thanking the Messengers in Our Lives

I have mentioned before that we have many great teachers in our lives (see blog post here). However, let's elaborate on this a bit more.

When we are in a love relationship, and it starts to go sour, we are keen to blame the other person due to their actions and behaviours. We try to get them to act differently, become different just so we can feel better about the relationship and ourselves.

First, we can't make anyone do anything. Second, we are the only ones that can make ourselves feel better. And, third, we are attracting these people into our lives due to our energy, because the frequencies always match up (see blog post on this here).

But, let's take this a step further. These people that come into our lives are showing us something that we need to see. So, really, they are messengers.

Maybe you have been asking yourself how you can be happier. Maybe you've been wondering how to attract a better lover because the one you have, or the ones you have had, weren't stellar. The past relationships that we have experienced, or the one that is moving on right now, help us to catch a glimpse of how we feel about ourselves. Anything less than loving is unacceptable, and it's not up to someone else to love us so we can finally love ourselves---it is all up to us.

When these messengers come into our lives to show us what we need to see, and then the relationship begins to fizzle, we desperately hang on to try to get back all those good moments from earlier. Sometimes, we hang on for years, sometimes decades, just to make it work.

This isn't to say that putting effort into a relationship by seeking counselling isn't doable. However, most of us know when the relationship is at the point of no return.

We have to recognize that moment of having enough of the same old story. We have to recognize that moment of when it's time to back away. 

Take the experience of the relationship as what it experience, an awakening to who you are. Don't blame. Just thank them for showing you what you needed to see, and then move on with your new found knowledge, knowing that you are getting better and better every single day. 

Stay true to yourselves, beautiful people. 

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