Tuesday, 28 March 2017

There are No Life Lessons

By calling the negative experiences in our lives 'life lessons', it helps us to explain why something bad would be happening to us. While these 'negative' experiences can help us to learn something about ourselves, about life, and how to handle situations, they aren't handed to us by an unseen force as a so-called lesson. 

If the negative situation continues to happen, we keep thinking that 'oh, I haven't learned anything yet. The Universe is still teaching me a lesson.' That's not it at all. We are given the free will to choose our experiences, and it is all dependent on the energy we are resonating in our thoughts and emotions.

If you continue to relive the same experience and wonder why, it's because you are still not addressing that garbage emotion that still brings the same situation into your life. You are essentially not being deliberate, and are falling into the trap of the old way of being. Even though you are 'thinking' that you want a 'new way of being', if your emotions aren't matching that, then you aren't changing anything.

If there is a lesson to be learned in experiencing repetitive situations, it is this: Be more discerning about how you are feeling and thinking.

PS: Go beyond yourself! Soul Love Warrior workbook and website coming soon! 

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