Monday, 8 September 2014

Falling in Love with Someone's Potential

Have you fallen in love with someone's potential? Maybe you are in a relationship with someone who you are constantly buoying up while you feel as if you are sinking. Maybe you are with someone who makes you feel uncertain about where the relationship is headed. Or, maybe you feel frustrated because you are not getting the relationship that you deserve. If this is the case, ask yourself, 'Why am I holding on?'

Certainly, you can say that you are staying for love, because love is the greatest thing of all! But, are you loving yourself enough? You are sacrificing a lot for someone who is unwilling to put 100% into a relationship with you. You have shown up, but they haven't. Basically, you've been stood up.

Ask yourself again why you would stick around when you have been stood up so many times? It's like asking someone for 2 $10s to change a $20 and you only get 1 $10 back.

You can't be their saviour. You can't make them become something that you want. You can guide them, but you can't make them walk through the door. That is entirely up to them. 

Don't get me wrong, if the relationship is slowly progressing, then definitely keep moving forward. However, when there is little to no progress, and you begin to question the validity of the relationship, then it's time to re-evaluate. 

If you've seen the movie Bridget Jones' Diary, you'll remember the scene just after Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver fight each other in the street. 

Darcy leaves, while Cleaver, still lying on the ground, says to Bridget Jones, "Come on Bridget, we belong together - you, me, poor little skirt. If I can't make it with you, then I can't make it with anyone."

And Bridget, in that moment, comes to a very clear realization of exactly the type of relationship she's had with Daniel, and says, "That's not a good enough offer for me."

Is it a good enough offer for you? 

Namaste, Lovely Souls!

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